Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm an investment specialist.

First post by Matt! I don't remember the word for "our" en Español, so the blog title will live on as is.

Did some path restructuring, bed amendment, and planting yesterday (Sunday). Got re-invested in the garden after a long winter of inactivity. I really enjoyed doing maintenance stuff during Winter (tree trimming, dirt moving, volunteer abatement, etc.), but nothing re-invests a guy like putting hand to soil. Here's what we did:

  • Expanded the corner bed that's near the lemon barrel, moving the brown terraced pot structure back into new territory under the painting room. We have planted our flag in the final frontier.

  • Augmented what was already growing in the corner bed with Echinacea, Snapdragons, Hollyhocks, Larkspur, and Cornflower. Snails really seem to dig the Cornflower, so I strawberry basketed them. Then I strawbasketed everything else, too. Better safe than sorry.

  • I arranged the flowers to be planted in the peninsula bed, and Jacki put them in the ground. My main philosophy is grouping and gradients. I tried to balance texture and height profiles, while attempting to avoid homogeneity. Planted a few of the same species as went in the corner bed, plus a few other which I don't know the names of. I'll leave it up to Jacki to note those ones.

  • Jacki and I marked and dug along the right side of the main path, up against the island bed, evening out the path's domain and creating space for Marigolds come veggie time. Now that I think about that - it might be kinda intense. Gonna have to ponder it further.

  • Moved three small round plants with purple flowers from beta bed to the corner bed to help define the rounded path corner. We have plans to put a little table out there with out chairs and are crafting a nook.

  • Jacki and I discussed a new location for the compost bins - back in the corner atop those horrid quartz stones. Seems like a good spot to put them as it will never be planted otherwise. Poppies seem to like growing in there, though.

  • Did one little bit more pruning on the Southern apple tree - trying to clear up the Northeast side as much as possible because we have had such mildew problems there in the past. The air circulation should be loads better this year, so I am hoping that resolves the issue.

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. Once it's warmer and we have a bit more light, I'll head out and get some photos to post. Done.

Additional note: This morning there was frost on the roofs and stubborn ice on the car windshield. Not sure how much that will effect the seedings - they have been living outside for the past few weeks.

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