Thursday, April 17, 2008

Garden Plagues

My parsley is plagued by aphids:


...and our Southern Apple tree, despite being substantially trimmed, has still been afflicted with mildew on new leaves on the Northeast side:


However, the degree and extent of the mildew is substantially reduced from last year. So that's good.

And on a nice note, the climbing flowers of which I do not know the name have just bloomed:

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Herb Seedlings

I noticed yesterday that, despite the cold weather, my herb seedlings have sprouted. Yee haw!



How do I know what's what? Glad you asked.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Trellice Designs

Pondering designs for the back wall trellice. Nothing like a little mock-up. Want to use twine and as few anchors as possible.

Click for larger view.